Informed Consent
  Biomedical Research Act establishes the requirements for the collection and transfer of samples on the principles of accessibility, free of charge, equity, equal opportunity, consent of the donor and prior information that should be given to the donor.
 In accordance with the provisions of the Act, consent on the use of the biological samples will be awarded either in the act of obtaining the sample, or subsequently, for a specific investigation.
To facilitate the biobanks belonging to the Valencian Biobanking Network and their researchers the sampling work and in order to cover all situations that may arise, we four consent types have been developed:
- Informed consent for the voluntary donation of biological samples for research obtained during surgical, therapeutic or diagnostic procedures (in Spanish).
- Informed consent for the voluntary donation of biological samples (to be anonymized) for research obtained during surgical, therapeutic or diagnostic procedures (in Spanish).
- Informed consent for the voluntary donation of biological samples for research (in Spanish).
- Informed consent for the voluntary donation of anonymized biological samples for research (in Spanish).
These documents have been reviewed and assessed positively by the Ethics and Scientific Research Committee of the Directorate General of Public Health and the CSISP, by the Ethics and Research Committee of the Hospital Clínico Universitario and by the Executive Board of the Instituto Médico Valenciano.

Consent may be revoked, wholly or for certain purposes, at any time. When the revocation is referred to any use of the sample, destruction will be performed immediately, even though data resulting from research that had been previously performed can be stored.